The Importance of Updating Your Estate Plan During the COVID-19 Pandemic

It’s safe to say that things have been far from normal over the last few months and will remain so for some time to come. At a time when we’re constantly reminded of the importance of sanitation, mask-wearing, and social distancing, it’s just as important to be on top of your estate planning needs. By... read more

Know 3 of the Most Common (But Often Hidden) Estate Planning Mistakes

Whether you’re starting a family at 30 and dipping your toes into estate planning or are close to retiring and updating your will, the process can be hard. After all, you’re dealing with terms like “fiduciaries,” “trusts,” and “power of attorney,” so it’s easy to lose track. At Fryer and Hansen, our McAllen lawyers want... read more

In Case of Emergency: The Importance of Adding an Advance Directive to Your Estate Plan

Even though businesses in Texas are open again, other establishments, such as hospitals and clinics, are still taking precautions to keep patients safe. This means taking in patients without their family members accompanying them to ensure social distancing, enforcing the use of face masks, and upholding strong sanitation practices.  However, the unexpected could happen where... read more

Protect Your Real Estate Interests with a Transfer on Death Deed (TODD)

Due to events happening in the world right now, estate planning remains more crucial than ever before. It provides peace of mind and can cover many aspects of your life. It can even go so far as to protect your loved ones after you pass. We’ve previously mentioned the importance of adding a will and... read more

3 Important Tips for Elders to Avoid Falling for a Living Trust Scam

If you’re in the process of creating an estate plan, have you considered including a living trust? A living trust is a document that helps manage your possessions. It also allows you to assign a trustee to make decisions over how your property should be distributed or sold on your behalf. This is useful if... read more

Create a Basic Will at Home with the help of an Estate Planning Lawyer

If you've stayed updated with the news, you may have considered drafting a will. Fortunately, you can prepare a will from the comfort of your home. However, we suggest you speak with an estate planning lawyer at Fryer and Hansen to perfect your will. When a will is under review during the probate process, small... read more

Attention Business Owners: Create an Estate Plan with 2 Very Important Stipulations

Power of Attorney A power of attorney (POA) clause allows a person to make decisions on your behalf. This option is greatly beneficial for businesses owned by a single person. You can give partial or full authority through a POA when it comes to making decisions on how your business is run. This can be... read more

3 Misconceptions People Under the Age of 30 Have About Estate Planning

Estate planning is a topic that most people nearing retirement prepare for. However, what many may not know is that young adults can prepare them as well. That’s right, the legal age to write a will in Texas is only 18 years! There are many misconceptions that many young adults have about estate planning. Learn... read more

3 Issues That Can Come Up if You Neglect an Estate Plan

A common misconception about estate planning says that a surviving spouse will receive all of the property and possessions from the deceased. Not only is this not true, but according to the Texas State Legislature, only a probate court can determine how property is distributed if no will exists. This means that, after you pass, and without... read more

3 Estate Planning Tips That New Families Should Consider When Drafting a Will

If you and your spouse have recently started a family, then we think it's fair to say that the last thing on your mind is the often-grim topic of estate planning. After all, deciding how one's belongings will be distributed after their passing is something that not many would like to do. However, it's important... read more