3 Reasons Why You Should Hire an Attorney to Help with Your Estate Planning

Estate planning, by our attorneys in McAllen, is a process that can save your loved ones some serious headaches after your passing. To many, estate planning seems like an exclusive, unattainable ordeal. In reality, though, everyone should have a plan ready to go. In our last blog, we discussed the importance of estate planning. In... read more

Estate Planning 101: A Few Important Things You Should Know

Many of us don’t often consider what might happen to our belongings after our passing. We might simply assume that family members will distribute them amongst themselves. Or maybe it can all be donated for a good cause. However, the reality is that many times, belongings of a deceased can get mixed up in legal... read more

3 Reasons Why Preparing a Will is Well Worth Your Time and Effort

Between work, friends, family and social time, life can get pretty hectic. The last thing on many of our minds at the end of the day is wondering what would become of our belongings if something ever happened to us. Possessions such as our home, vehicles, jewelry, furniture, etc.? A court will most likely decide... read more