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Estate Planning Lawyer McAllen: Common Mistakes Made by Residents – Part 2

Estate Planning Lawyer McAllen

In a recent blog, our estate planning lawyer McAllen at Fryer and Hansen brought you valuable information about the most common mistakes our city’s residents make in their estate planning process. We are fully committed to helping you avoid all possible pitfalls – whether starting your estate plan, updating it, or needing more insight. Read on to learn more about the typical estate planning pitfalls you should avoid. 

Waiting Too Long

The most significant mistake in the estate planning process is procrastination. Some McAllen residents postpone their plans, while others fail to begin them altogether. However, unfortunate situations can appear when you least expect them, leaving your loved ones and assets vulnerable. To avoid this pitfall, prioritize estate planning as soon as possible, regardless of age or current health status.

Failure to Update

Chances are your life today is very different from your life a few years ago. Perhaps you started a new business venture or welcomed a new member into your family. These changes require revamping your existing estate plan, yet many fail to do so. Our estate planning lawyers in McAllen recommend you regularly review and revise your estate plan to ensure it remains aligned with current laws and your most recent wishes. 

Missing Documents

When an estate plan is executed with incomplete or missing documents, there can often be confusion or legal hurdles. It’s your responsibility to ensure that all wills, trusts, powers of attorney, healthcare directives, and other documents are drafted accurately. Keep in mind that these documents must also comply with Texas estate planning laws. Working with knowledgeable estate planning lawyers in McAllen will help you create thorough and legally binding documentation.

Our Estate Planning Lawyer McAllen Can Help You Get Started

Over the last two blogs, we’ve shared some of the most damaging mistakes a person can make in estate planning. Unfortunately, they are as common as they are easy to make. Let’s avoid that in your estate planning process. Fryer and Hansen in McAllen help you navigate your journey effectively and thoroughly. Trust us; we’re here to ensure your estate planning process is carefully carried out. Our estate planning lawyer McAllen is ready to help you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and get started. 

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