What You Should be Doing to Protect Your Eminent Domain Case – Part 1

There are many details that a homeowner should be aware of when negotiating with the government or other entity on an eminent domain case. We know the details can seem overwhelming and daunting, but being well informed and having the right representation by your side can help you walk away from negotiations with the right... read more

What You Should Keep in Mind When Discussing an Eminent Domain Case with Our McAllen Lawyers

Dealing with an eminent domain notice can be tricky and overwhelming, especially in the way they’re presented and handled. As we’ve learned, eminent domain notices revolve around some type of property or home ownership such as real estate, intangible properties and personal properties. Our eminent domain attorneys can help navigate the murky waters of one... read more

Becoming More Familiar with the Eminent Domain Process and What to Expect From It

Eminent domain is the power of the government to take a person’s piece of land or property for a public purpose. This power can be exercised by state, federal or local governments and by private companies who are looking to build railroads, for example. Usually, some of the most common reasons properties are taken through... read more

Understanding the Differences Between Eminent Domain and Inverse Condemnation

At Fryer & Hansen, PLLC, our eminent domain lawyers are dedicated to helping property and homeowners stay up-to-date on properly defending their rights when dealing with an eminent domain or inverse condemnation proceeding. We’re here to help make these complex processes less confusing. Let’s discuss the differences between inverse condemnation and eminent domain. Call our... read more

5 More Factors to Keep in Mind Regarding Eminent Domain

In our last blog post, we discussed five factors that home-, land- and property owners should be aware of when dealing with eminent domain. In this post, we’ll outline a few more things people need to be aware of when city officials visit and present you with an eminent domain notice. Get the compensation you... read more

5 Important Factors to Keep in Mind Regarding Eminent Domain

Highway construction and public buildings popping up across town are nothing new. As most people who live in urban areas will tell you, the sight of construction workers building or laying the groundwork for highways is something everyone becomes accustomed to. What many find to be difficult, however, is becoming accustomed to seeing homes or... read more

5 Important Eminent Domain Questions that All Property Owners Should Have Answered

We know that the idea of the federal government seizing your property at a whim’s notice seems unfair. While the United States Constitution does give the government the right to take your piece of land as long as it’s in the best interest of the public, it brings up the question, “What rights do homeowners... read more

2 of the Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Dealing with Eminent Domain

When faced with an eminent domain notice, what landowners do next is very important to ensure that they get proper compensation. This is a result of the government’s obligation to pay a full market or fair market price for the property. Most property owners facing eminent domain can also include damages such compensation for attorney... read more

4 Things You Should Know About Eminent Domain

Have you ever visited an old neighborhood or home you haven’t been to in several years only to find it replaced by a road, bridge or shopping mall? If you have, then you've witnessed the effects of eminent domain. Backed by the power of the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, this clause states that... read more

A Landowner’s Right: Getting the Representation You Need for Project SH 68

Unbeknownst to many homeowners, a city council or state or federal government can deem your piece of land for “public use”. While handling a case of eminent domain might be out of your hands, a clause in the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution, however, limits the government’s right to take homeowner property for public use... read more