The Importance of Creating Wills in McAllen

Wills McAllen residents prepare are more than just legal documents; they ensure a smooth transfer of assets, reduce potential conflict among heirs and provide clarity in a time of grief. Fryer & Hansen, PLLC assists individuals and families with drafting valid and enforceable wills, helping them articulate their final wishes effectively. Why a Will is... read more

Welcome the New Year by Drafting Your Will in McAllen

No matter what your outlook is for the coming months, a new year is a new opportunity to benefit your loved ones. Our probate lawyers in McAllen believe one of the best ways to ensure their futures is to draft a will. Drafting a will is simple as long as you remember to include these... read more

Estate Planning Lawyer McAllen Answers: Do Wills Need to Be Notarized?

Did you know your will must meet a few requirements to be valid in Texas. For instance, it must be made by someone at least 18 years of age and of sound mind and memory. With that said, as a first-time will writer, you probably have a few other questions regarding your own document. Perhaps... read more

5 Requirements for Writing a Valid Will from our Estate Planning Lawyers in McAllen

It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by writing your will. After all, not many people want to deal with such a finite document. That said, writing a will is one of the best decisions you can make for your family. If you’re currently feeling doubtful or confused by the beginning stages of your will writing... read more

Discover 5 Digital Assets Allowed in Wills from our Estate Planning Lawyers in McAllen

Digital assets are a thing of the present and they’re undoubtedly here to stay. But what does that mean for you as you begin your estate planning process? Should they be considered the same type of property as our cars, houses, money, and land? The short answer is yes, but digital property can cover a lot... read more

3 Factors to Consider Before Meeting with Estate Planning Lawyers in McAllen

For years, our estate planning lawyers in McAllen have built a reputation of professionalism for our clients. We couldn’t be more excited to support you as you begin your estate planning journey. If you are meeting with the most dedicated estate planning lawyers McAllen has to offer, here are three things you may want to... read more

3 Reasons Young Families Should Create an Estate Plan with our Attorneys in McAllen

Young families have plenty of responsibilities on their plates. From balancing childcare, school, and jobs, it may feel there is hardly any time left in your day. Still, thinking about your future is necessary. Without a will or estate plan, decisions for your family can be left up to a probate court judge. This can... read more

3 Reasons From our Attorneys in McAllen You’ll Want to Create a Will

There’s a big chance you’ve thought about drafting a will or estate planning before. You recently got married, had kids, got divorced, or your financial situation changed. Our attorneys in McAllen know of some other reasons you may want to create or update a will. Share this with someone you think can benefit.  You’re 18... read more

How to Handle Debt in Your Will: Our Attorneys in McAllen Explain

So, you’re drafting your first will with our attorneys in McAllen, and you aren’t sure what to work on first. You may be wondering who will get to keep your house or that amazing bicycle collection of yours. That’s great! You should definitely be thinking of these things.  However, there is so much more you... read more

Check Your Finances as You Draft Your Will at a McAllen Law Firm

What is one area our McAllen law firm recommends people reconsider in their estate planning process? People often double-check their checking or saving accounts to determine how much money they can pass down to their loved ones. Unfortunately, there are two crucial factors many people fail to double-check: taxes on their property or current debt.... read more